Nous sommes un entreprise de rénovation qui est basée en Grèce et exploite dans toute l'Europe. Notre équipe de techniciens qualifiés et admissibles
ingénieurs est voyagent à chaque site où achève les travaux de rénovation suivant des normes élevées à des coûts compétitifs.
We are a Renovation Contracting firm
based in Greece who operates
throughout Europe. Our team of highly
skilled, eligible technicians and
engineers is travelling to every site and completes the renovation works
following high standards at
competitive costs.

Wir sind ein
Renovierungsauftragnehmer, der aus Griechenland in ganz Europa betreibt. Unser Team von hochqualifizierten Technikern und Ingenieuren reist an jedem Standort und vervollständigt die Renovierungsarbeiten nach hohen Standards an kostengünstigen
Metaplasis Building Renovation is a general contracting firm who specializes in construction contracts of international renovation projects.The company is based in Athens, Greece and incorporates Greek Engineer Managers, Planners, Surveyors and Designers along with higly experienced, dedicated manpower of several construction expertise.
We can contract different renovation projects for both commercial and residential properties to all the European countries. Our management has the ability to handle medium to large scale projects. All of our staff hold European licences and are fully certified and eligible to work within the European Union. The organization and the implementation of each project is always done in coordination with the local Achitect or Consultant.
Each project is accompanied with a two years insurance plan issued from a certified Insurance company that covers any temporary repairs or construction misleadings. Practically, that is a 2 years guarantee.
42 Salaminos Str., 15124
Athens, GREECE
www.metaplasis.gr / T: +30 210 6128641 / F: +30 210 6128906 / e: contact@metaplasis.gr / Skype: giorpitt